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Winter Carnival for Cancer Research 2019 - Assumption of Responsibility, Rules, Risks and Liability Waiver and Non-Disclosure Agreement

Assumption of Risks and Assumption of Responsibility / Rules

I, the undersigned, acknowledge that there are potential risks inherent in my participation in Carnival 2019, held from January 6th, 2019 to January 12th, 2019 (the “Event”). I acknowledge and accept all of the following terms and conditions of participating in the Event:

Values and Mentality

I acknowledge that the first and foremost goal of Carnival 2019 is to raise funds for the battle against cancer. I acknowledge that the values that Carnival projects and encompasses are equity, respect, friendship, and school spirit. I acknowledge that, as a participant of the Event, I will abide by and act according to these values. This includes, but is not limited to, treating each participant and stakeholder (the McGill community, venues, sponsors, and the Montreal community as a whole) with complete respect, avoiding any and all conflict, and acknowledging that every participant and aforementioned stakeholder is first and foremost a friend, regardless of whether or not they are on an opposing Carnival team. I acknowledge that all participants and stakeholders are working towards a common goal to raise funds for the battle against cancer, and that I will not create any impediments that would put this cause at risk. I acknowledge that if I do not abide by these terms, Carnival Committee members reserves the right to immediately remove my bracelet and remove me from the Event for remainder of the week.


I acknowledge that the excessive consumption of alcohol taking place during the Event is not recommended, is unhealthy, and can cause a variety of health problems. I promise to drink responsibly and within my own limits. I accept my responsibility to abide by the laws of the land and obey all the rules as set out by Carnival Committee. I also understand that should my presence at events be seen as a threat to the well-being or safety of myself or others, or should it interfere with the execution of events, Carnival Committee members reserve the right to remove my bracelet and terminate my participation in Carnival for the remainder of the week.


I acknowledge that the use of drugs is strictly prohibited and the suspected use of any illegal substance will result in an immediate bracelet removal. I understand that if I am found guilty of the use of illegal substances I will be restricted from all future Hype Week and Carnival events, including but not limited Carnival 2019. I acknowledge that if I do witness the use of illegal substances by another participant, I undertake the responsibility to immediately report it to a member of Carnival Committee.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct

I acknowledge that Carnival regulations and protocols pertaining to sexual harassment and misconduct fall under the McGill Code of Conduct. Sexual harassment can be defined as offensive or humiliating behaviour that is related to a person’s sex; behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, unwelcome, hostile or offensive work environment; or behaviour of a sexual nature that could reasonably be thought to put sexual conditions on a person’s job or employment opportunities. I understand that consent is an affirmative decision to engage in mutually agreed upon sexual activity, given by clear words or actions. I understand that consent is a continuous process and can be withdrawn at any point. I understand that consent cannot be agreed to by someone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or by someone who is unconscious. I understand that consent cannot be forced by the use of threats or by the use of any other sort of pressure by either of the parties involved. I promise to only participate in consensual sexual activity and I understand that should the Carnival Committee find reason to believe that I have engaged in any form on misconduct, I will immediately be removed from the Event and a full investigation will take place. Further, I understand that I will be placed on probation from all MUS events until the results of the investigation are available. If a formal investigation report is placed, I understand that I will be removed from the Event and all future Hype Week and Carnival events, including but not limited to Carnival 2019. I understand that I may contest the decision of the Carnival Committee by petitioning the MUS Ethics Board and that the Ethics Board's decision is binding.

Liability Waiver and Indemnification

In consideration of approval to participate in the Event, I and any personal representative, hold unaccountable whoever may be involved in the organization of the Carnival 2019, including Carnival Committee, and all of their directors, officers, staff, volunteers, sponsors, agents, trainees, or employees for any and all actions, causes of actions, including negligence, claims, and demands for damages, loss or injury, resulting from or arising out of my participation in the Event.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

I accept to keep confidential, and therefore agree not to disclose under any circumstances, information relative to Carnival 2019. I shall keep confidential all pictures, videos, written documentation or any others records related to the Event. I shall require the written authorization of Carnival Committee in order to publish or share any recording, pictures or documentation related to the event. In the event I violate this non-disclosure agreement, I shall accept to pay $10,000 CAD in damages to the organization following application of this penal clause.

Consequences for misconduct

I understand that failure to comply with any of the terms listed in the entirety of the contract may result in the removal of my Carnival bracelet. My bracelet may be removed at any time by a Carnival Committee member at their sole discretion. I consent to sharing my personal information (such as name, student ID and faculty, and contact information) to McGill Campus Life and Engagement, the Students Society of McGill University (SSMU) and the other undergraduate societies on campus (including but not limited to Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill University, Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University, Science Undergraduate Society of McGill University) for the purpose of ensuring safety at events operated by each of the above organizations. Furthermore, any misconduct at any time which contravenes the Student Handbook on Student Rights and Responsibilities can result in disciplinary action by the McGill administration through the Office of the Dean of Students under an official Memorandum of Understanding between McGill and Carnival.


Ombudsperson of the Management Undergraduate Society ombudsperson@mus.mcgill.ca Counselling Services Brown Student Services Building, 3600 McTavish St., Montreal, Quebec, H3A 0G3, Suite 4200, Tel.: 514-398-3601 Make an appointment to speak with a psychologist, counsellor or therapist. Psychiatric Services Brown Student Services Building 3600 McTavish St. Montreal, Quebec, H3A 0G3 Suite 5500, West Wing Tel.: 514-398-6019 Make an appointment to see a psychiatrist. Office of the Dean of Students William Mary Brown Student Services Building 3600 McTavish, Suite 2100 Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G3 Tel.: 514.398.4990 Nightline 514-398-6246 7 days a week 6pm-3am Confidential, anonymous and non-judgemental listening service run by McGill students. For active listening, information or referral, and crisis management. Peer Support Centre 3480 Rue McTavish, Suite 411 Montreal, Quebec Tel: (514) 398-8500 The Peer Support Centre offers free, drop-in, confidential and non-judgemental peer-to-peer support and resource referral to McGill students. Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students' Society McGill University Shatner Bldg. Basement 3480 McTavish, B-27 Montreal, QC H3A 1X9 The Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS) is a volunteer-run organization committed to supporting survivors of sexual assault and their allies through direct support, advocacy, and outreach. Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education 550 Sherbrooke O. Suite 585 (West Tower 1-11 Elevator) Montreal, Quebec H3A 1E3 Sexual Violence Education Advisor: 514.398.3786 Sexual Violence Response Advisor: 514.398.4486 Email: osvrse@mcgill.ca